Cobra CPA

Grade: Manager
Birthplace: (CLASSIFIED)
Primary Specialty: Tax Advice and Planning
Secondary Specialty: Forensic Accounting
Absolute numbers! Total control of Payroll Administrators...it’s system, wealth, and bookkeepers---that's the objective of COBRA Tax Services. This fanatical accountant rules with an iron fist. He demands tax-filers total honesty and allegiance. His main weapon, a Lenovo® laptop, 17” screen, powered by intel®. He personally led uprisings in Wall Street, Southeast Asia and Cleveland, Ohio. Responsible for kidnapping stock brokers, bankers, and military scientisits, then forcing them to watch Arbitrage starring Ricahard Gere.
"I was once a man, now I’m a Certified Public Accountant.”
Hand painted backer card and figure. Resin cast by dollar slice bootlegs